Faulty Defense Mechanisms follows Julie J (@juliej.nyc), an emerging drag artist, as she grapples with life on the precipice of greatness. Is she stupid for considering herself on the precipice of greatness? Probably.
Does she have knowledge about life beyond planet earth? Naturally.
Is she brilliant for the 6-inch heels that she’s wearing as she walks the line between Black nonsense and gender euphoria? Absolutely.

Combining original text, lip-sync, and multi-media extravagance Julie J brings together a digital drag show that celebrates exactly where she is at the moment: fresh from the womb and already saving for retirement.

Originally released in installments throughout January, Faulty Defense Mechanisms explores what it means to acknowledge our weak spots, claim our strengths, and find solace in the confusion of our times.

For the FAULTY DEFENSE MECHANISMS (Complete Cut) please email mxjuliej@gmail.com for a direct streaming link.

Something worth watching is definitely an understatement.
— W42ST Magazine

Venmo: @JulieJ_NYCContent Warning: adult language, flashing imagesFaulty Defense Mechanisms follows Julie J, an emerging drag artist, as she grapples with li...

Content warning: flashing images, discussion of sexual acts, and adult languageLike what you see? Help us make more art! Feel free to send a tip to @JulieJ_N...

Content warning: flashing images, adult languageLike what you see? Help us make more art! Feel free to send a tip to @JulieJ_NYC on Venmo.Faulty Defense Mech...

Content warning: strobe effects, flashing images, and adult languageLike what you see? Help us make more art! Feel free to send a tip to @JulieJ_NYC on Venmo...

Venmo: @JulieJ_NYCContent Warning: adult language, flashing imagesFaulty Defense Mechanisms follows Julie J, an emerging drag artist, as she grapples with li...

Creative Team
Executive Producer: Aaron S. Hock
Director of Photography/Editor: Dan Lalor
Assistant Director/Choreographer: Caroline Burkhart
Production Manager: Mariel Sanchez
Production Assistants: Jesse Koehler & Gill Hartley